Monday, January 19, 2009

The Birdbath


Anonymous said...

In a word…stunning. In a rambling of interconnected continuous confounding accolades…incredible awesomeness rarely found in the disconnected aloof world of art that has lost its way and has been quietly yearning for such a bold and dramatic statement of unheralded achievement which you have so rudely birthed upon us and thrust upon society's bosom. For far too long the talentless masses have been bereft of any artistic vision, class, moral compass or any hope of redemption. But you, Sir, have confounded me by raising expectations in excellence for future generations and have cemented yourself in the annals of history as an artíst extraordinaire unequaled among your peers. I humbly grovel at the feet of your genius and eagerly anticipate the day your angelic image rightfully graces the covers of Wheeties boxes everywhere.

Anonymous said...
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